Aloha! I’m writing this on a plane as I fly to Hawaii for vacation-without my son. This is the first time my husband and I will be away from him for more than a weekend. I must admit, I have panicked more than a few times in the last few days. I now understand why so many parents have come to me for a Will right before they leave on a trip without their children.
If you are traveling without the kiddos, here are a few easy steps to help ease your mind.
- Create your Will. This document names who you would like to raise your children if something should happen. This is a hard decision and many couples do not agree. Don’t let this stop you. Flip a coin if you have to. You can always amend the document later. This is not a decision you want to leave to a judge. Also, tell someone where your original is kept and how to access it.
- Create a Temporary Guardian of Minor Children. This document gives someone temporary legal guardianship over your children. You can list the timeframe you will be gone, or a period of time no longer than six months. This document will give your loved ones the legal authority to act for your children if they need it. I recommend the six-month time frame for added protection.
- Carry a card in your wallet listing emergency contacts and their phone numbers. Make sure these individuals have a copy of your Healthcare Power of Attorney, Living Will, and HIPAA release documents.
Although these steps won’t take away your anxiety (I still have mine!) it will give you peace of mind that you are protecting your children.