I Just Moved to Arizona

New residents and snowbirds don’t know if their existing plan will work in Arizona.  Cholewka Law’s 3-Step Review Process™ can determine if your plan needs updated so you and your family remain protected.

Empowering You To Protect Your Family

Meet Paul and Carol who just moved to Arizona from the great state of Ohio. They created a revocable trust plan five years ago, but don’t know if their plan will work in Arizona. They bought a house in Cooley Station and re-titled their cars in Arizona (which they thought was really expensive!) Paul and Carol have the same Wells Fargo checking and savings accounts and same IRA and brokerage accounts through Schwab. The person they chose as their financial power of attorney lives in Illinois.

Estate plans should be reviewed after every major life event—such as moving to a new state—because estate planning is mostly controlled by state law. At our plan review meeting we:

  1. Review your assets to determine if any actions need taken
  2. Review your plan for any updates you want to make
  3. Review your plan for any recommended legal changes

We typically recommend an Arizona Health Care Power of Attorney because of state-specific laws. Let us help determine whether your plan still works here in the Grand Canyon State.


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Solutions - Not Documents

Cholewka Law provides Estate Planning Solutions, not just boiler plate documents.

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