The Story Of The Sunflower

Becky Cholewka:

As we’ve moved into our beautiful new office space here at Cholewka Law, this year we’re also rebranding our website and our print materials to be more personally reflective of me. Instead of some of the other things that you’ve seen, you’re now going to be seeing a lot of sunflowers here at Cholewka Law.

Why the sunflower? Well, first of all, our colors have always been yellow and black. In order to do a sunflower theme, actually the colors were already working. Sunflowers have always been really, really important to me.

As a kid, the very first business I had was actually having sunflowers at my babysitter’s backyard, and we would take out all the seeds, and we would sell the seeds on the street corner, along with our lemonade stand. That was my very first role as an entrepreneur. I was probably about five or six years old.

Sunflowers actually grew up with me as well, because as I got older, I loved watching baseball, loved talking baseball. For those who know me, you also know, as an adult, I actually worked for the Cleveland Indians Major League ballpark for awhile.

I have always loved sitting and eating sunflower seeds. It’s been a pastime of mine, something my Dad and I both enjoyed together. It’s something that I could remember growing up, not only from the sunflower as a flower, to now, eating the seeds as well.

Also, lastly, the sunflower, if you’ve never noticed, when they grow, they always turn their face to the Sun. To me as a Christian, that’s also important to me, because I also always want to make sure that I’m turning my face to our Heavenly Father.

For us, here at Cholewka Law, if you start seeing sunflowers around the office, that’s why. It’s my story of the sunflower.

You can always feel free to share your stories with me. So give us a call at 480‑497‑3770, or you can always check out our website at if you need any legal help.

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