Luck Has Nothing to Do with It

four leaf clover with marble background

My husband’s family is Irish. I feel in my bones that their Irish luck will rub off on me and I will somehow find my pot-of-gold. Or win the lottery. Actively planning to protect your family, however, is much better than just leaving everything to chance. Here are seven steps to take. 1.  Update beneficiary […]

6 Ways a Lawyer Can Help with Finance

  Working with your attorney to create a Durable Financial Power of Attorney (POA) ensures that, in the event you become incapacitated due to illness or injury, your financial affairs continue to be handled properly. With this document, you assign an individual whom you trust to act as your financial agent. These decisions may include […]

Will Your Heart Outlast You?

I was born in February so my birthday parties always incorporated hearts. A red heart cake, pink confetti hearts, heart-shaped balloons.  My family has heart problems. Weak ones as it turns out. My dad died from his second heart attack—four days after his 47th birthday. My mom happily survived her second heart attack this summer. […]

What is Your Legacy?

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remain and is immortal.”  Albert Pine I often hear the term Legacy Planning. Some think it is planning for and accumulating a substantial amount of money to leave behind. Others say it is planning to avoid as many taxes […]

Getting Ready For Life As A Single Woman

Widowhood is probable for most women in the United States. Women are four times more likely to outlive their husbands. And they live on average another 10 years. But many are unprepared for the changes in store. New widows are confronted with a host of financial decisions, says a story in Forbes. And since […]

Estate Planning For People Under 40

You can’t start estate planning too early. The earlier you begin, the better you will be prepared for life’s ups and downs. And if you have a family, you really better get started. Here are some estate planning tips for those under age 40, as outlined in a story on

Do You Know About These Trusts?

To many individuals, trust creation is a confusing proposition. This is not surprising considering just how many types of trusts have sprung up in recent years. These many different types of trusts have many different names and serve many different purposes. While it would be impractical for the everyday American have an understanding of every […]

Estate Planning for “Non-Traditional” Families

As a recent article explains, “the definition of a traditional nuclear family has been stretched considerably in the last quarter century.” Now more than ever, it is important for individuals to take the time to sit down and create an estate plan that fits his or her unique needs. Blended Families Blended families are families […]

New Uses for Life Insurance

Prior to the tax law changes of 2012, life insurance policies were commonly used to provide cash on hand for the decedent’s heirs to pay off any estate taxes. Now that estate taxes will apply to fewer estates, estate planning attorneys are exploring alternative uses for life insurance policies. A recent article discusses some of […]

Financial Steps to Protect Your Family

No one wants to face the reality of an unexpected death. However, more often than not, death comes before we are ready. A recent article discusses several steps a person can take to ensure that his or her family is cared in the event of the unexpected. Purchase a Term Life Insurance Policy A life […]

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