What Future Events or Issues Can Be Planned For in Your Estate Plan?
If people don’t plan and they go through the probate process it becomes a open court document which can be view by the public unless you use trust planning then privacy can be obtained.
Why Should You Choose an Estate Planning Attorney to Create Your Estate Plan
If your looking for a estate planning attorney you should look for an attorney that specializes in estate planning rather then someone that does general practice or business law.
What is a Certified Document Preparer?
They are people that can ask you questions for legal documents and they only right down what answers you tell them to, only few states allow this and Arizona is one of them.
What Are the Main Goals of Estate Planning?
Proper estate planning can protect your family from themselves, outside creditors, family discord and many other circumstances.
What Are Some Secondary Reasons People Make an Estate Plan?
Providing for something or someone is one of the main reasons people choose to do proper estate planning you can provide for your loved ones, charity or even your pets.
Why Don’t People Do Estate Planning?
There are many reasons people don’t do estate planning, about 75% of that is procrastinating. Other reasons for people failing to do estate planning are people think its to much money, there never going to die or they think they are to young.
Who Does My Estate Plan Protect?
Proper estate planning can protect your family from themselves, outside creditors, family discord and many other circumstances.
Top 3 Reasons to Create an Estate Plan
There are three top reason why people choose to plan, some want to avoid the probate program, some want to avoid family discord however others want to protect there youth from making financial mistakes.
Are Online Do It Yourself Documents Safe?
Be very careful when doing online do it yourself documents just because you have a document that is legally valid it may not work at all places so examples such as hospitals, banks or a judge in court.
Do I Have Control of My Assets Once I Make an Estate Plan?
What are the state default laws and who really controls my finances or healthcare decisions if i’m not able to.