Thirteen Estate Planning Terms You Need to Know

Estate planning—it is an incredibly important tool, not just for the uber-wealthy or those thinking about retirement. On the contrary, estate planning is something every adult should do. Estate planning can help you accomplish any number of goals, including appointing guardians for minor children, choosing healthcare agents to make decisions for you should you become […]

Common Estate Planning Myths

Estate planning can be a very difficult process. While it’s not brain surgery, making the decision to move forward with the planning requires us to face the fact that we will not live forever. This thought can stop many people right in their tracks. Others talk themselves out of seeing a qualified attorney to put […]

My $12,000 Shoes

I was walking through the parking lot one Monday morning on my way to work. I had just come back from a conference and was excited to start implementing some fantastic ideas. My hands were full of all my conference materials and then it happened. I tripped. In the parking lot. I fell directly on […]

Resolve to make a Resolute Resolution!

Many of us make New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of each year. Some we stick to, some we don’t. Some last a few days, others may take several months for us to complete. To resolve to do something is to make up one’s mind or decide firmly. Resolute is being determined, steadfast, unwavering, purposeful. […]

California is now the 5th Right-to-Die State

California now joins Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Vermont to allow physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients. The law will go into effect sometime in 2016. NPR reports, “The new law requires two doctors to determine that a patient has six months or less to live before the lethal drugs can be prescribed. Patients also must […]

What Estate Planning Documents Should I Have?

A comprehensive estate plan will include a large number of documents though this depends on your individual needs. Examples of documentation regularly included in estate plans are Revocable Trust, Will, Financial Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, Mental Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will, HIPAA Release Form, Beneficiary Deed, and Beneficiary Designations […]

Estate planning if you don’t have children

Planning for your care and estate when you are older is more complicated if you don’t have children, since children often fall into the role of caregivers. Here are some tips to help ensure that you are well prepared if you do not have any children, according to an article in the Houston News. Pick […]

What Makes Cholewka Law Unique? I think being a true neighborhood law firm, I truly try to encompass the feel of this town.   I have local artwork from local artists hanging on my walls that are for sale, I try to help local artists have more exposure in the community.   I have a toy chest in my […]

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