Telephone Scam In Gilbert and Phoenix

Becky Cholewka: This is Josi in our office, and we were just recording another video about a scam alert that I’m aware of. Josi said after we turned off the video, “Hey, have you heard about this one? It just started happening to me.” I’m going to let Josi tell you about another scam that […]

The Story Of The Sunflower

Becky Cholewka: As we’ve moved into our beautiful new office space here at Cholewka Law, this year we’re also rebranding our website and our print materials to be more personally reflective of me. Instead of some of the other things that you’ve seen, you’re now going to be seeing a lot of sunflowers here at […]

How do I love being a small business owner? Let me count the ways…

I love the pride I feel that I am creating part of the American economy. Not only does my family directly earn a living from the fruits of my business, but I also get to pour money into our local economy by being the decision maker on where my marketing dollars are spent. I love […]

Will your child become Little Orphan Annie?

Be Prepared! Although I was never a Boy Scout, their motto rings true for all of us. I remember my early days of being a first-time mom and the effort and skill it took to pack the diaper bag. I never knew what to expect so I planned for every contingency… diapers, wipes, toys, extra […]

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